The Port of Port Arthur (Port) has issued this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit responses from qualified firms to provide financial advisory services for the Port. This RFP is issued for the purpose of obtaining financial advisory services to assist the Port beginning upon contracting.
Sealed Proposals addressed to the Port of Port Arthur for the Financial Advisory Services Project will be received at the office of the Port Director, Larry Kelley, 221 Houston Avenue, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640 until 2:00 p.m. local time on November 6, 2024, and all proposals received will immediately thereafter be opened and publicly read. Proposals received after the date and time above will be returned unopened. Fax transmittals and electronic submittals are not acceptable. Submissions via U.S. Mail should be addressed to Post Office Box 1428, Port Arthur, Texas 77641. Submissions via courier should be addressed to 221 Houston Avenue, Port Arthur, Texas 77640.